Get Involved in the Rocky Shores Update

The State of Oregon invites all individuals, organizations, and governments
to participate in this process so that all voices are heard!

Phase 3
Ongoing until September 30, 2021
How to Submit a Comment


Email written comments to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Offer oral comment during a Working Group meeting
Public comment is scheduled into meeting agendas.
Meeting Protocol for Public Comment 
To allow the Working Group to have efficient discussions during meeting:
  • Public comment will only be accepted during predetermined public comment agenda items (~15 minute at beginning and end of meeting).
  • In the event a large number of individuals would like to comment, time will be divided to allow all parties an equal amount of time to speak.
  • Additional dialog and questioning between the Working Group and the commenting entity should be avoided to keep meetings on track. 


Offer comment during a formal comment period

Once the Working Group has reviewed submitted site proposals, a formal 30-day public comment period will be opened. Check back here or sign up for email updates for information about public comment opportunities and events.

If you have a question or if you are affiliated with a group requiring government consultation please contact the Working Group
chair person or staff member.
Charlie Plybon (Chair) - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Michael Moses (Staff) - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

*Please note that due to the complexity of this process not all public comments may be incorporated into the final strategy.


Phase 2 (archive)

Phase 2 products (updated Rocky Habitat Management Strategy text, site-based management processes, and new Rocky Habitat Web Mapping Tool) were completed and approved by the Ocean Policy Advisory Council on May 6, 2020. 

Read the approved draft of the Rocky Habitat Management Strategy.

     Visit the Rocky Habitat Web Mapping Tool (

Phase 1 (archive)

Phase 1 products (general rocky habitat management) have been adopted by the Land Conservation and Development Commission on May 24, 2019. 
The working group is continuing to draft Phase 2 updates (site-based management)


2018 Public Scoping (archive)

 In Spring of 2018, DLCD staff conducted 9 public scoping meetings to gather initial information and public opinion on rocky habitat issues and management.

Learn more about the management plan: What is the Territorial Sea Plan? 

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TSP Plan Maps

View maps of the Territorial Sea, with layers that can be interactively switched on, including maps of: Part III Rocky Shores, Part IV Cables, and Part V Marine Renewable Energy Area Designations Map. 

Read more: TSP Plan Maps

Resource Inventory Maps

Informed decision making, the heart of Goal 19 and the Oregon Ocean Plan, depends upon adequate information about ocean resources and uses and the effects of any proposed action on those resources and uses. This page contains information about ocean and coastal resource inventories, as well as interactive maps of existing resource inventory information.

Read more: Resource Inventory Maps

Visual Resources Management System for TSP Part Five

The Oregon Coast is an internationally recognized tourist destination that attracts over 20 million (in 2011) visits to coastal state parks a year.  In 2013, the state agencies with responsibility for managing the territorial sea completed an ambitious project to establish a Visual Resources Management System for the Territorial Sea Plan.  The map below shows the locations where the viewshed of the coast were measured from publicly available locations, and then used to project into the ocean areas where development standard would be applied to any new application for development.  The map below shows the Scenic Quality Visual Resource Inventory Assessment Locations and their resulting Class Values.  Information regarding the development of methods and standards for project review are available in a pdf slideshow presentation (735 KB) (PDF).

Report cover for the Visual Resources Management System Report

Click the image below to download the completed baseline inventory report of sites.  

The datasheet and class criteria are available for viewing here:  pdf TSP VRIA datasheet, June 2012 (297 KB)   


TSP Rocky Habitat Proposal Further Evaluation Workshops

TSP Rocky Habitat Proposal Further Evaluation Workshops