Folder Birds


archive Catalog of Oregon Seabird Colonies (Islands polygon), USFWS, 2007 Popular

By 1007 downloads

This data set depicts groups of offshore rocks and islands that comprise a single censused seabird colony in Clatsop, Tillamook, Lincoln, Lane, Coos, and Curry Counties, Oregon. The primary source for this data is:

Naughton, M. B., D. S. Pitkin, R. W. Lowe, K. J. So, and C. S. Strong. 2007. Catalog of Oregon seabird colonies. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological Technical Publication FWS/BTP-R1009-2007, Washington, D.C.

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archive Catalog of Oregon Seabird Colonies (Point Layer), USFWS, 2007 Popular

By 950 downloads

This data set represents point locations for all of Oregon's seabird colonies with associated attribute information. The attribute information includes counts of nests and birds, where available, and estimates of the number of breeding birds for each species at a colony. Specific information regarding date, observers, type of survey, quality of the estimate, and source of the data are also provided for each record. The primary source for this data is:

Naughton, M. B., D. S. Pitkin, R. W. Lowe, K. J. So, and C. S. Strong. 2007. Catalog of Oregon seabird colonies. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological Technical Publication FWS/BTP-R1009-2007, Washington, D.C.

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archive Catalog of Oregon Seabird Colonies (Shoreline Segments), USFWS, 2007 Popular

By 908 downloads

This data set depicts the linear extent of onshore seabird colonies in Clatsop, Tillamook, Lincoln, Lane, Coos, and Curry Counties, Oregon. A total of 393 seabird colonies were identified along the Oregon coast. The primary source for this data is:

Naughton, M. B., D. S. Pitkin, R. W. Lowe, K. J. So, and C. S. Strong. 2007. Catalog of Oregon seabird colonies. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological Technical Publication FWS/BTP-R1009-2007, Washington, D.C.

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archive Marbled Murrelet Critical Habitat, USFWS, 1996 Popular

By 875 downloads

This theme depicts lands designated as critical habitat under section 4 of the Endangered Species Act for the marbled murrelet in the states of Washington, Oregon, and California.

This data does not constitute legal description of designated critical habitat for the marbled murrelet. For legal descriptions of murrelet critical habitat, refer to the descriptions contained in the FEDERAL REGISTER of, May 24, 1996 (fr24my96R). Copies of the descriptions may also be obtained by contacting U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2600 SE 98th. Ave, Suite 100, Portland, Oregon, 97266, (503) 231-6179.

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archive Relative Importance of Areas for Seabird Targets - NEDA Marxan Analysis, TNC, ODFW, 2011 Popular

By 859 downloads

Nearshore Ecological Data Atlas Planning Grid populated with the results of Marxan analyses for the Seabirdl target group. A series of Marxan scenarios comprised of 100 runs, with 10,000,000 iterations each, were completed. A best iteration was selected from each run, and a "Sum" solution resulted, which depicts how often within the 100 runs a planning grid cell was in a best iteration.

archive Western Snowy Plover Final Critical Habitat, USFWS, 2005 Popular

By 940 downloads

These data identify polygon locations where final critical habitat for the Western Snowy Plover is designated.

These data are intended to be used as a guide to identify the general areas where final critical habitat for the Western Snowy Plover is designated. The official legal descriptions of critical habitat are available in the Federal Register, 70 FR 56970

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