Folder Mammals


archive Blue Whale Photo IDs for US West Coast, Cascadia Research, 1972-2002 Popular

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This dataset consists of over 6,560 sighting records of over 1,803 uniquely identified blue whales. These were collected by Cascadia Research and collaborators from the eastern North Pacific from 1975 through 2004.

These data represent the most extensive database of blue whale sightings available from the waters off the western United States and have provided the primary information available on movements and abundance of eastern North Pacific blue whales. Effort was not evenly distributed throughout region so sighting locations are biased towards areas of highest effort.

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archive California Sea Lion Haul-out Locations and Use, ODFW, 2011 Popular

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Line layer of California sea lion haul-out locations in Oregon, USA. Attribute data includes species-specific site use and abundance for California sea lions (Zalophus californianus).

archive Designated Steller Sea Lion Critical Habitat in Oregon, NMFS, 1993 Popular

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This data set depicts Designated Critical Habitat for Steller Sea Lion in Oregon. It is meant as a general locational reference for these designated areas. The final rule of designation was made by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service in 1993.

Please refer to the federal register notice titled "Designated Critical Habitat; Steller Sea Lion" (Vol. 58, No. 165, Aug. 27, 1993, 50 CFR Part 226) for details and the legal definition.

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archive Eastern N. Pacific gray whale Observations, OBIS-SEAMAP, 1986 - 2004 Popular

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This dataset consists of over 1639 recorded observations of the Eastern N. Pacific gray whale, Eschrichtius robustus. The primary scope of this dataset includes waters off California, Oregon, and Washington and Alaska from 1986 to 2004. Effort was not evenly distributed throughout region so sighting locations are biased towards areas of highest effort.

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archive Northern Elephant Seal Haul-out Locations and Use, ODFW, 2011 Popular

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Line layer of Northern Elephant Seal haul-out and rookery locations in Oregon, USA. Attribute data includes species-specific site use and abundance for northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris).

archive Pacific Harbor Seal Haul-out Locations and Use, ODFW, 2011 Popular

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Line layer of Pacific harbor seal haul-out locations in Oregon, USA. Attribute data includes species-specific site use and abundance for Pacific harbor seals (Phoca vitulina).

archive Pinniped Haulout Information, ODFW, 2008 Popular

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Point layer of pinniped (seal and sea lion) haul-out and rookery locations in Oregon. Digitizing was performed by Marine Mammal Research Program staff from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW). Points may indicate a "specific" location of a haul-out or rookery (e.g., a single offshore rock) or a more "general" area in which animals will likely be found (e.g., a large stretch of rocky intertidal habitat).

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archive Relative Importance of Areas for Marine Mammal Targets - NEDA Marxan Analysis, TNC, ODFW, 2011 Popular

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Nearshore Ecological Data Atlas Planning Grid populated with the results of Marxan analyses the Marine Mammal target group. A series of Marxan scenarios comprised of 100 runs, with 10,000,000 iterations each, were completed. A best iteration was selected from each run, and a "Sum" solution resulted, which depicts how often within the 100 runs a planning grid cell was in a best iteration.

archive Stellar Sea Lion Rookeries, ODFW 2007 Popular

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Point layer of Stellar Sea Lion rookery locations in Oregon. This dataset was created to document haulout/rookery locations in Oregon and faciliate population status and trend monitoring by ODFW staff.

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archive Stellar Sea Lions Haul-out and Rookery Locations and Use, ODFW, 2011 Popular

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Line layer of Stellar Sea Lion haul-out and rookery locations in Oregon, USA. Attribute data includes species-specific site use and abundance for Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus).

archive Steller Sea Lion Critical Habitat in Oregon, NOAA, 2008 Popular

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This data set depicts Designated Critical Habitat for Steller Sea Lion in Oregon. It is meant as a general locational reference for these designated areas. The final rule of designation was made by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service in 1993.

archive Survey of Distribution of Dolphins, Whales and Porpoises off WA, OR, CA, SWFSC, 1996 Popular

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This 1996 line-transect survey was designed to estimate the abundance of and to describe the distribution of dolphins, whales, and porpoises off the west coast of the United States out to 300 nautical miles. This survey was conducted by the NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center aboard NOAA Ships David Starr Jordan and McArthur for a combined total of approximately 15,000 kilometers surveyed from mid July to early November 1996.

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