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archive Alternative B.3 (Canopy Kelp) for West Coast Groundfish Essential Fish Habitat draft EIS, PSMFC,2004 Popular

By 1142 downloads

These data delineate the areas within Alternative B.3 of "The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Designation and Minimization of Adverse Impacts for the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan". Alternative B.3 designates canopy kelp as Habitat Areas of Particular Concern (HAPC).

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archive Alternative B.4 (Seagrass) for West Coast Groundfish Essential Fish Habitat draft EIS, PSMFC, 2004 Popular

By 1095 downloads

These data are a compilation of currently available seagrass GIS data sets for the west coast of the United States. These data have been compiled from seventeen different data sources. The source data were acquired over a large range of time periods, at many different spatial resolutions using a variety of methods, including aerial photography, videography, multispectral sensors, sonar, and field surveys.

Users are cautioned to use these data as only a regional view of seagrass locations. Areas without mapped seagrass may contain seagrass, but digital data were unavailable during this data compilation.

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archive Coastwide Oregon Canopy Kelp Survey, ODFW, 1990 Popular

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An Oregon coastwide inventory of canopy kelp conducted to understand the distribution of kelp in the nearshore region. The 1990 survey is the only year the entire coastline was surveyed.

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archive Historic Kelp Surveys, NOS, 1868-1958 Popular

By 1094 downloads

Distribution of kelp canopy was captured from geo-referenced historic NOS Survey "Smooth Sheets" in the vicinity of the Oregon Territorial Sea from the period 1868-1958. Data was captured to help improve knowledge of habitat characteristics within the Oregon Territorial Sea.

Potential uses should be mindful of the age of the source surveys (as early as 1868), and the resultant potential issues with horizontal accuracy.

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archive Oregon Canopy Kelp Composite Layer, ODFW, 1990, 1996-1999 Popular

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This layer was created from individual year kelp surveys to show the maximum known extent of Oregon's kelp canopy. Included are: an Oregon coastwide inventory of canopy kelp in 1990, that was conducted to understand the distribution of kelp in the nearshore region, and four other years of southern Oregon reef specific surveys.

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archive Southern Oregon Reef Kelp Survey, ODFW, 1996 Popular

By 1082 downloads

Polygons digitized from aerial photographs to establish biomass estimates of bull kelp, Nereocystis leutkeana, at 5 selected reefs off southern Oregon during the fall of 1996.

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archive Southern Oregon Reef Kelp Survey, ODFW, 1997 Popular

By 1130 downloads

Polygons digitized from aerial photographs to establish biomass estimates of bull kelp, Nereocystis leutkeana, at 5 selected reefs off southern Oregon during the fall of 1997.

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archive Southern Oregon Reef Kelp Survey, ODFW, 1998 Popular

By 1077 downloads

Polygons digitized from aerial photographs to establish biomass estimates of bull kelp, Nereocystis leutkeana, at 5 selected reefs off southern Oregon during the fall of 1998.

This download is a zipped shapefile that includes fuill metadata.

archive Southern Oregon Reef Kelp Survey, ODFW, 1999 Popular

By 1155 downloads

Polygons digitized from aerial photographs to establish biomass estimates of bull kelp, Nereocystis leutkeana, at 5 selected reefs off southern Oregon during the fall of 1999.

This download is a zipped shapefile that includes fuill metadata.