Folder October Meeting


pdf Cape Perpetua Agency Analysis Appendix 1: Reference Guides Popular

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pdf Cape Perpetua Agency Analysis Appendix 2: Original contextual summaries Popular

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pdf Cape Perpetua Agency Analysis Appendix 3: Public Comment Popular

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pdf Cape Perpetua Agency Analysis Section 1: Agency Analysis Report Popular

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pdf Cape Perpetua Agency Analysis Section 2: Supporting Assessment Documents Popular

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pdf Cape Perpetua Agenda October 25, 2010 Popular

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pdf Cape Perpetua Meeting Summary August 9, 2010 Popular

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pdf Cape Perpetua Proposed Agenda 10/6/2010 Popular

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pdf Cape Perpetua Recommendation Template Popular

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Cape Perpetua Recommendation Template October 22, 2010.

pdf Cape Perpetua Team Questions October 11, 2010 Popular

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pdf ODFW Report 2004-01 Popular

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Using an Exempted Fishing Permit for a Large-scale Test of a S Flatfish Trawl in the Continental Shelf Flatfish Fishery. Parker S., Saelens M., Kupillas S., Hannah R. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Marine Resources Program. 2004.

pdf ODFW Report 2004-03 Popular

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Use of An Exempted Fishing Permit To Test a Discard Reduction Strategy for the Deepwater Complex Trawl Fishery. Hannah R., Parker S. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Marine Resources Program. 2004.

pdf ODFW Report 2007-05 Popular

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Effectiveness of Selective Flatifish Trawls in the 2005 U.S. West Coast Groundfish Trawl Fishery. Hannah R., Gove N., Parker S. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Marine Resources Program. 2007.