Published on 17 April 2014 By Anonymous 789 downloads
This report serves as ODFW's first biennial monitoring report covering the first two years (2010-11) of baseline data collected for the Redfish Rocks and Otter Rock marine reserve sites, prior to the cessation of harvest activities. (ODFW 2014)
Published on 17 April 2014 By Anonymous 899 downloads
Executive summary from ODFW's first biennial monitoring report covering the first two years (2010-11) of baseline data collected for the Redfish Rocks and Otter Rock marine reserve sites, prior to the cessation of harvest activities. (ODFW 2014)
Published on 08 March 2012 By Anonymous 1078 downloads
This report describes the gathering and synthesis of ecological and socioeconomic data required to translate bioindicators into survey indicators, which represent nonmarket benefits in the form of ecosystem services.
Published on 05 March 2014 By Anonymous 1254 downloads
Study authors Mark Needham, Ph.D., Lori Cramer, Ph.D., and Elizabeth Perry, M.S. (Oregon State University 2013)
Published on 05 March 2014 By Anonymous 805 downloads
The Research Group, LLC. The Economic Contribution From Ocean Research, Planning, and Management Activities at Port Orford, Oregon. Prepared for Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and Port Orford Ocean Resources Team. (October 2013)
Published on 05 March 2014 By Anonymous 647 downloads
The Research Group, LLC. Economic Impact of Marine Recreational Fishing: Oregon Pilot Survey. Prepared for Oregon Department of Fish. (October 2013)
Published on 21 March 2014 By Anonymous 576 downloads
Freeman, P., Rosenberger, R., Sylvia, G., Heppell, S., and Harte, M. 2013. Guide for Evaluating Marine Ecosystem Services to Support Nearshore Management in Oregon. Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon Sea Grant, Oregon State University.
Published on 27 April 2012 By Anonymous 1661 downloads
The monitoring plan documents and describes the objectives, metrics, monitoring design, sampling activities, and data analyses that are all a part of ODFW's marine reserves Human Dimensions Monitoring program. (ODFW 2012)
Published on 11 April 2013 By Anonymous 860 downloads
The intention of the profile was to provide information that would help fisheries managers, decision makers, fishing community members, and the public to better understand the community of Depoe Bay and the potential impacts of ocean-related policies on the fishing community there. (ODFW 2012)
Published on 11 April 2013 By Anonymous 1055 downloads
The intention of the profile was to provide information that would help fisheries managers, decision makers, fishing community members, and the public to better understand the community of Pacific City and the potential impacts of ocean-related policies on the fishing community there. (ODFW 2012)
Published on 11 April 2013 By Anonymous 835 downloads
The intention of the profile was to provide information that would help fisheries managers, decision makers, fishing community members, and the public better understand the communities connected with the Salmon River and the potential impacts of ocean-related policies on the fishing community. (ODFW 2013)
Published on 08 March 2012 By Anonymous 887 downloads
The intention of the profile was to provide information that would help fisheries managers, decision makers, fishing community members, and the public to better understand the community of Garibaldi and the potential impacts of ocean-related policies on the fishing community there.
Published on 08 March 2012 By Anonymous 906 downloads
The intention of the profile was to provide information that would help fisheries managers, decision makers, fishing community members, and the public to better understand the community of New Port and the potential impacts of ocean-related policies on the fishing community there.
Published on 08 March 2012 By Anonymous 972 downloads
The intention of the profile was to provide information that would help fisheries managers, decision makers, fishing community members, and the public to better understand the community of Port Orford and the potential impacts of ocean-related policies on the fishing community there.
Published on 05 March 2014 By Anonymous 728 downloads
The Research Group, LLC and Golden Marine Consulting. Using Spatial Analysis of Fisheries and Habitat Data to Evaluate Economic Effects of Oregon Marine Reserve Sites. Prepared for Marine Resources Program, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. (June 2012)
Published on 08 March 2012 By Anonymous 823 downloads
Published on 08 March 2012 By Anonymous 924 downloads
Published on 08 March 2012 By Anonymous 1762 downloads
The primary goal of this project was to understand and to detail the value and economic contribution of marine resources to the shoreside economy and communities of Oregon. More specifically, the objectives were to examine patterns of income, expenditures, and employment in marine related industries such as commercial fishing, charter fishing, recreation, and tourism.