Folder Marine Spatial Planning


pdf Best Practices for Marine Spatial Planning, Workshop Report, TNC, August, 2009 Popular

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pdf Coastal and Marine Planning and California, California Ocean Protection Council, July 12, 2011 Popular

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The California Ocean Protection Council (OPC) commissioned this background document, Coastal and Marine Planning and California, to support its 2011 strategic planning initiative. The information in this document is intended to inform the OPC’s four strategic plan focal areas – climate change, sustainable fisheries, improved management across the land sea interface, and preparing for industrial uses of the ocean.1 For each of these focal areas, improving decision-making about human uses that affect our coast and ocean resources is essential to securing for California’s people and the living marine resources, the healthy ocean on which they rely.

pdf Interim Framework for Effective Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning, White House CEQ, 12.14.09 Popular

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OPTF_InterimFramework12.14.09 .pdf

The Ocean Policy Task Force Releases Interim Framework for Effective Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning

pdf Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan Popular

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This is Volume 1 of the Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan: Management and Administration. Appendix 3 outlines the criteria used for identifying areas for offshore renewable energy development. Appendix 4 provides a description of Special, Sensitive or Unique Species and Habitats.

Document linked to : Link created on :Mon, 2011-Sep-26

pdf Rhode Island Ocean Special Area Management (SAMP) Plan Popular

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The final version of the Rhode Island SAMP Plan. Section 440 documents the policies and standards the Rhode Island Marine Resource Management Council developed for addressing aesthetic and cultural impacts.

Document linked to : Link created on :Mon, 2011-Sep-26

pdf Workshop Report - The Oregon Coastal and Marine Data Network, Sept. 2011 Popular

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In March 2011, the Department of Land Conservation and Development ‘s Oregon Coastal Management Program approached the Institute for Natural Resources at Oregon State University to work with them to organize and facilitate a two-day workshop, the Oregon Coastal and Marine Data Network Workshop.

The purpose of the Oregon Coastal and Marine Data Network Workshop was to begin to set the stage for fostering a network of people and data. The workshop was designed to enable individuals in agencies and other organizations who are directly engaged in coastal marine spatial planning to discuss and resolve issues related to creating a collaborative Oregon coastal and marine data network.