This page contains OPAC archives with agendas and supporting documents including video, meeting summaries. The meetings of the Ocean Policy Advisory Council (OPAC) are open to the public. Please refer to the agenda for the location of each meeting.
For upcoming OPAC events visit the OPAC Current Events page.
OPAC meetings are conducted in accordance with the Council's
Operating Procedures
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and often include time for public comment. At the discretion of the OPAC Chair, the time allotted to individuals may be limited to accommodate all those who wish to speak within the comment period.
For a copy of the video record of an OPAC meeting, please visit the OPAC YouTube Playlist, or contact Andy Lanier at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Video records for OPAC meetings prior to 2016 are available on DVD, upon request.