Marine Reserves Working Group

The Marine Reserves Working Group was established to work on the topic of setting marine reserved policy for the state.  It wass chaired by Frank Warrens. Other members from OPAC included Paul Engelmeyer, Jim Good, Robin Hartmann, Jim Bergeron, Jack Brown, and Brad Pettinger. Additional members include Cristen Don (Department of Fish & Wildlife), Randy Henry (State Marine Board), Laurel Hillmann (Parks and Recreation Department), Paul Klarin (Department of Land Conservation and Development), Jeff Kroft (Department of State Lands),  Roy Lowe (US Fish & Wildlife Service), and Cathy Tortorici(National Marine Fisheries Service).  

Meeting summaries

May 21, 2008, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, Charleston 

June 20, 2008, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Salem 

**NEW** Final Marine Reserves Policy Recommendations 
pdf Marine Reserves Policy Recommendations (169 KB)


Information on Marine Reserves in Oregon 

This website, produced by the Oregon Coastal Management Program, will provide links to information about marine reserves and Oregon’s marine environment, and provides assistance with the ongoing proposal process.