archive Gregory Point Research Reserve, ODFW, 2008 Popular

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This layer was developed for cartographic purposes only, in order to visually represent the Gregory Point Research Reserve (Subtidal Research Reserve). This area includes all areas seaward of extreme low tide in the area defined by the points making lines from 43°20'18.7"" N. Latitude, 124°22'50.3"" W. Longitude (point A) to 43°20'35.9"" N. Latitude, 124°22'53.7"" W. Longitude (point B), and seaward of extreme low tide from 43°20'24.1"" N. Latitude, 124°22'32.7"" W. Longitude (point D) to 43°20'39.0"" N. Latitude, 124°22'38.2"" W. Longitude (point C).

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