Oil spill response planning in Oregon is the responsibility of both the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and facilities that store, transport, or process large amounts of oil products. Vessels and facilities have their own plans for stopping spills before they can spread. Oregon DEQ regulates these facility plans and also develops plans for areas that contain many potential sources of oil spills or that are especially vulnerable to harm from oil spills. The Oregon Coast is one such area.
Updating Oregon's Oil Response Plans
In summer 2019, DEQ will release updated oil spill response plans for the Oregon coast with new strategies to contain and collect spilled oil and keep it away from sensitive natural, cultural, historic, and socioeconomic resources. Where possible, the new oil spill response plans for the coast will include strategies to protect rocky shore areas for the species that live there and the people who visit them. These plans will also include information for notifying resource managers and affected facilities when spills happen.
pdf View the 2018 Oil Spill Contingency Planning Annual Report (399 KB)