This page contains links to data sets relevant to the Oregon ocean and coastal zone, categorized as either physical, biological, or human uses data.
Biology - Birds
- Marbled Murrelet Distribution and Foraging Location Planning Units, OCMP, 2011
- Catalog of Oregon Seabird Colonies (Islands polygon), USFWS, 2007
- Catalog of Oregon Seabird Colonies (Point Layer), USFWS, 2007
- Catalog of Oregon Seabird Colonies (Shoreline Segments), USFWS, 2007
- Nearshore Brandts Cormorant Abundance & Distribution, CCR, 1992-2011
- Nearshore Common Murre Abundance & Distribution, CCR, 1992-2011
- Nearshore Loons & Grebes Abundance & Distribution, CCR, 1992-2011
- Nearshore Marbled Murrelet Abundance & Distribution, CCR, 1992-2011
- Nearshore Seabird Density, CCR, 2000-2010
- Nearshore Seabird Diversity, CCR, 2000-2010
- Relative Ecological Importance of Seabird Colonies of the Oregon Coast, USFWS, 2011
Biology - Fish
- Fish Survey Trawl Start Locations, ODFW, NMFS, 1971-74, 1994-2009
- Modeled Biomass for All Fish Species, NOAA, 2011
- Modeled Biomass for Nearshore Flatfish Species, NOAA, 2011
- Modeled Fish Richness for all Fish Species, NOAA, 2011
- Modeled Total Abundance for all Fish Species, NOAA, 2011
Biology - Marine Mammals
- California Sea Lion Haul-out Locations & Use, ODFW, 2011
- Northern Elephant Seal Haul-out Locations & Use, ODFW, 2011
- Pacific Harbor Seal Haul-out Locations & Use, ODFW, 2011
- Predictive Model of summer Berardius Densities in the CCE, NOAA SWFSC, 2009
- Predictive Model of summer Blue Whale Densities in the CCE, NOAA SWFSC, 1991-2006
- Predictive Model of summer Dalls Porpoise Densities in the CCE, NOAA SWFSC, 2009
- Predictive Model of summer Fin Whale Densities in the CCE, NOAA SWFSC, 2009
- Predictive Model of summer Humpback Whale Densities in the CCE, NOAA SWFSC, 2009
- Predictive Model of summer Northern Right Whale Dolphin Densities in the CCE, NOAA SWFSC, 2009
- Predictive Model of summer Pacific White-sided Dolphin Densities in the CCE, NOAA SWFSC, 2009
- Predictive Model of summer Rissos dolphin Densities in the CCE, NOAA SWFSC, 2009
- Predictive Model of summer Short-beaked Common Dolphin Densities in the CCE, NOAA SWFSC, 2009
- Predictive Model of summer Sperm Whale Densities in the CCE, NOAA SWFSC, 2009
- Resident Gray Whale Relative Abundance, CCR, 2011
- Resident Harbor Porpoise Relative Abundance, CCR, 2011
- Stellar Sea Lions Haul-out and Rookery Locations & Use, ODFW, 2011
- Gray Whale Migration Corridor, ODFW, 2011
Biology - Plants
Physical - Earth
- Rocky Features from the interim Surficial Geologic Habitat Map for the Territorial Sea, ATSML, 2011
- 25 Meter Depth Contour off Oregon, OSU ATSML, 2008
- 25 Meter Interval Depth Contours off Oregon, OSU ATSML, 2008
- Bathymetric Digital Elevation Model 100m, ATSML, 2011
- Bathymetric Shaded Relief from 100m DEM, ATSML, 2011
- West Coast Surficial Geolgic Habitat, version 3.6.1, ATSML, 2011
- Rocky Shoreline Sections of the Oregon Coast, ODFW, 2005
- Sandy Shoreline Sections of the Oregon Coast, ODFW, 2005
Human - Boundaries
- Pacific Northwest Coast Protected Areas, TNC, 2005
- Geographic Location Description for Offshore Waters of Oregon
- Territorial Sea Plan Part V Plan Map Index, DLCD, 2013
- Territorial Sea Polygon with ESI Shoreline, OCMP, 2010
- Three Arch Rocks National Wildlife Refuge and Wilderness, USFWS, 2004
- Camp Rilea Marine Danger Zone Line, ACOE, 2012
Human - Infrastructure
- Airports, FAA, 2010
- Dredge Material Disposal Site, ACOE, 2011
- Electrical Substations, BPA, 2010
- Electrical Transmission Lines, BPA, 2010
- Electrical Transmission Lines, USGS, 1993
- NPDES Outfalls in Coastal Watersheds, DEQ, 2008
- OPT License Area Location for Single Wave Energy Buoy, FERC, 2010
- OPT Wave Energy Lease Area 15MW, FERC, 2010
- Railroad Lines, FRA, 2009
- Shipping Lanes, NOAA, 2012
- Submarine Cables, OFCC, 2012
- Crabber-Tugboat Towlane Agreement, WA Sea Grant, 2007
- Ocean Observing Initiative Cables, OCMP, 2011
Human - Management
- Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge, USFWS, 2004
- Oregon State Parks OPRD, 2010
- Visual Resources Inventory Scenic Quality Evaluations, OCMP, 2013
- Visual Resource Inventory Viewsheds from Scenic Quality Class Values
- State Designated Marine Managed Areas, ODFW, 2008
- Oregon Wave Energy Preliminary Permits, FERC, 2010
Human - Research
- NNMREC Renewable Energy Ocean Test Site, OSU, 2012
- NRI Marine Research Areas, OCMP, 2012
- NRI Marine Research Lines, OCMP, 2012
- NRI Marine Research Points, OCMP, 2012
- NRI Marine Research Stations, OCMP, 2012
- NRI Marine Research Transects, OCMP, 2012
Human - Safety
Physical - Ocean
- Chlorophyll-a in the Pacific Northwest Marine Ecoregion, TNC, 1998-2005
- Upwelling in the Pacific Northwest Marine Ecoregion, TNC, 1998-2004
- Dissolved Oxygen
Human - Infrastructure
- Shoreside Infrastructure - Bait and Tackle Businesses, Ecotrust, 2011
- Shoreside Infrastructure - Marinas, Ecotrust, 2011
- Shoreside Infrastructure - Marine Supply Businesses, Ecotrust, 2011
- Shoreside Infrastructure - Maritime Commerce Businesses, Ecotrust, 2011
- Shoreside Infrastructure - Non-Consumptive Recreational Businesses, Ecotrust, 2011
- Shoreside Infrastructure - Oregon State Parks, Ecotrust, 2011
- Shoreside Infrastructure - Ports, Ecotrust, 2011
- Shoreside Infrastructure - Recreational Charter Businesses, Ecotrust, 2011
- Shoreside Infrastructure - Research Institutions, Ecotrust, 2011
- Shoreside Infrastructure - Seafood Processors and Distributors, Ecotrust, 2011
Human - Economy
- Boating Activities from Non-consumptive Ocean Recreation Study - Last Trip Panel Responses Summarized to Planning Units, Surfrider, 2010
- Boating Activities from Non-consumptive Ocean Recreational Users Study - Last Trip Panel Responses as Points, Surfrider, 2010
- Human Powered Ocean Activities from Non-consumptive Ocean Recreation Study - Last Trip Panel Responses Summarized to Planning Units, Surfrider, 2010
- Human Powered Ocean Activities from Non-consumptive Ocean Recreation Study Opt-in Study Responses Summarized to Planning Units, Surfrider, 2010
- Human Powered Ocean Activities from Non-consumptive Ocean Recreational Users Study - Last Trip Panel Responses as Points, Surfrider, 2010
- Shore Activities from Non-consumptive Ocean Recreation Study - Last Trip Panel Responses Summarized to Planning Units, Surfrider, 2010
- Shore Activities from Non-consumptive Ocean Recreation Study Opt-in Study - Responses Summarized to Planning Units, Surfrider, 2010
- Shore Activities from Non-consumptive Ocean Recreational Users Study - Last Trip Panel Responsesas Points, Surfrider, 2010
- Wildlife Viewing Activities from Non-consumptive Ocean Recreation Study - Last Trip Panel Responses Summarized to Planning Units, Surfrider, 2010
- Wildlife Viewing from Non-consumptive Ocean Recreational Users Study - Last Trip Panel Responses as Points, Surfrider, 2010
- Wildlife Viewing Group from Non-consumptive Ocean Recreation Study Opt-in Study Responses Summarized to Planning Units, Surfrider, 2010
- Pacific City Doryman Lines, Parametrix, 2012
- Pacific City Doryman Polygons, Parametrix, 2012
Human - Economy - Fishing
- Astoria All Fishing Sectors Fisheries Uses and Values Grid, Ecotrust, 2010
- Astoria All Fishing Sectors Importance Percent Volume Contour Polygons, Ecotrust, 2010
- Astoria All Fishing Sectors Stated Importance Percent Volume Contours, Ecotrust, 2010
- Astoria Commercial Dungeness Crab Greatest Importance Percent Volume Polygons, Ecotrust, 2012
- Astoria Commercial Dungeness Crab Stated Importance Percent Volume Contours, Ecotrust, 2012
- Astoria Commercial Passenger Fishing Vessel Fisheries Uses and Values Grid, Ecotrust, 2010
- Astoria Commercial Passenger Fishing Vessel Stated Importance Percent Volume Contour Polygons, Ecotrust, 2010
- Astoria Commercial Passenger Fishing Vessel Stated Importance Percent Volume Contours, Ecotrust, 2010
- Brookings, Gold Beach All Fishing Sectors Fisheries Uses and Values Grid, Ecotrust, 2010
- Brookings, Gold Beach All Fishing Sectors Stated Importance Percent Volume Contour Polygons, Ecotrust, 2010
- Brookings, Gold Beach All Fishing Sectors Stated Importance Percent Volume Contours, Ecotrust, 2010
- Brookings, Gold Beach Commercial Dungeness Crab Greatest Importance Percent Volume Polygons, Ecotrust, 2012
- Brookings, Gold Beach Commercial Dungeness Crab Stated Importance Percent Volume Contours, Ecotrust, 2012
- Depoe Bay All Fishing Sectors Fisheries Uses and Values Grid, Ecotrust, 2010
- Depoe Bay All Fishing Sectors Stated Importance Percent Volume Contour Polygons, Ecotrust, 2010
- Depoe Bay All Fishing Sectors Stated Importance Percent Volume Contours, Ecotrust, 2010
- Depoe Bay Commercial Dungeness Crab Stated Importance Percent Volume Contours, Ecotrust, 2012
- Depoe Bay Commercial Dungeness Crab Stated Importance Percent Volume Polygons, Ecotrust, 2012
- Florence All Fishing Sectors Fisheries Uses and Values Grid, Ecotrust, 2010
- Florence All Fishing Sectors Stated Importance Percent Volume Contour Polygons, Ecotrust, 2010
- Florence All Fishing Sectors Stated Importance Percent Volume Contours, Ecotrust, 2010
- Florence Commercial Dungeness Crab Greatest Importance Percent Volume Polygons, Ecotrust, 2012
- Florence Commercial Dungeness Crab Stated Importance Percent Volume Contours, Ecotrust, 2012
- Garibaldi All Fishing Sectors Fisheries Uses and Values Grid, Ecotrust, 2010
- Garibaldi All Fishing Sectors Stated Importance Percent Volume Contour Polygons, Ecotrust, 2010
- Garibaldi All Fishing Sectors Stated Importance Percent Volume Contours, Ecotrust, 2010
- Garibaldi, Tillamook Commercial Dungeness Crab Greatest Importance Percent Volume Polygons, Ecotrust, 2012
- Garibaldi, Tillamook Commercial Dungeness Crab Stated Importance Percent Volume Contours, Ecotrust, 2012
- Newport All Sector Fisheries Greatest Importance Percent Volume Polygons, Ecotrust, 2012
- Newport All Sector Fisheries Uses Grid Contours, Ecotrust, 2010
- Newport All Sector Fisheries Uses Grid, Ecotrust, 2010
- Newport Charter & Recreational Fisheries Uses Grid Contours, Ecotrust, 2010
- Newport Charter Fisheries Uses Grid, Ecotrust, 2010
- Newport Commercial Dungeness Crab Greatest Importance Percent Volume Polygons, Ecotrust, 2012
- Newport Commercial Dungeness Crab Stated Importance Percent Volume Contours, Ecotrust, 2012
- Port Orford Commercial Dungeness Crab Greatest Importance Percent Volume Polygons, Ecotrust, 2012
- Port Orford Commercial Dungeness Crab Stated Importance Percent Volume Contours, Ecotrust, 2012
- Port Orford Commercial Fishing Fisheries Uses and Values Grid, Ecotrust, 2010
- Port Orford Commercial, Charter, and Recreational Fishing Stated Importance Percent Volume Contour Polygons, Ecotrust, 2010
- Port Orford Commercial, Charter, and Recreational Fishing Stated Importance Percent Volume Contours, Ecotrust, 2010
- Salmon River Recreational Dungeness Crab Fishery Stated Importance Percent Volume Contour Polygons, Ecotrust, 2010
- Salmon River Recreational Dungeness Crab Fishery Stated Importance Percent Volume Contours, Ecotrust, 2010
- Salmon River Recreational Dungeness Crab Fishery Use and Value Grid, Ecotrust, 2010
- Salmon River Recreational Fisheries Stated Importance Percent Volume Contour Polygons, Ecotrust, 2010
- Salmon River Recreational Fisheries Stated Importance Percent Volume Contours, Ecotrust, 2010
- Salmon River Recreational Fisheries Uses and Values Grid, Ecotrust, 2010
- Salmon River Recreational Pacific Halibut Fishery Stated Importance Percent Volume Contour Polygons, Ecotrust, 2010
- Salmon River Recreational Pacific Halibut Fishery Stated Importance Percent Volume Contours, Ecotrust, 2010
- Salmon River Recreational Pacific Halibut Fishery Use and Value Grid, Ecotrust, 2010
- Salmon River Recreational Rockfish Fishery Stated Importance Percent Volume Contour Polygons, Ecotrust, 2010
- Salmon River Recreational Rockfish Fishery Stated Importance Percent Volume Contours, Ecotrust, 2010
- Salmon River Recreational Rockfish Fishery Use and Value Grid, Ecotrust, 2010
- Salmon River Recreational Salmon Fishery Stated Importance Percent Volume Contour Polygons, Ecotrust, 2010
- Salmon River Recreational Salmon Fishery Stated Importance Percent Volume Contours, Ecotrust, 2010
- Salmon River Recreational Salmon Fishery Use and Value Grid, Ecotrust, 2010
- SOORC Commercial Dungeness Crab Greatest Importance Percent Volume Polygons, Ecotrust, 2012
- SOORC Commercial Dungeness Crab Stated Importance Percent Volume Contours, Ecotrust, 2012
- SOORC Commercial Fishing Fisheries Uses and Values Grid, Ecotrust, 2010
- SOORC Commercial, Charter and Recreational Fishing Stated Importance Percent Volume Contour Polygons, Ecotrust, 2010
- SOORC Commercial, Charter, and Recreational Fishing Stated Importance Percent Volume Contours, Ecotrust, 2010
- Statewide Commercial Dungeness Crab Greatest Importance and Percent Volume Polygons, Ecotrust, 2012
- Statewide Commercial Dungeness Crab Stated Importance Percent Volume Contours, Ecotrust, 2012
TSP Process
- Oregon Planning Unit Cells, OCMP, 2010
- Ecological Hotspots Level 1, ODFW, 2011
- Ecological Hotspots, Level 2, ODFW, 2011
- Canopy Kelp Planning Units, OCMP, 2011
- Gray Whale Forage Planning Units, OCMP, 2011
- Pinniped Haulout Planning Units, OCMP, 2011
- Rocky Shores Habitat Planning Units, OCMP, 2011
- Seabird Colonies Planning Units, OCMP, 2011
- Snowy Plover Critical Habitat Planning Units, OCMP, 2011
- Stellar Sea Lion Critical Habitat, Planning Units, OCMP, 2011
- Subtidal Rocky Reef Planning Units, OCMP, 2011