January 27, 2023

The Ocean Policy Advisory Council (OPAC) met virtual meeting on January 27, 2023 from 8:30AM - 12:30PM.  This was a remote meeting.

Topics covered during the meeting included:

  • Rocky Habitat Management Strategy Council Recommendations.
  • An update from the Elakha Alliance on the Sea Otter reintroduction Feasibility Study
  • An Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia Coordinating Council Outreach and Communication Study. 

Watch the Meeting Video on YouTube

pdf Draft Meeting Agenda (210 KB)

Meeting Materials Folder 

December 9, 2022

The Ocean Policy Advisory Council met on December 9, 2022 in a hybrid meeting format with in-person and remote participation.  The agenda for the meeting, video recording, and meeting materials are available in the meeting documents folder, linked below. 

Watch the Meeting Video on YouTube 

Meeting Logistics:

The in-person component of the meeting took place at the Mill Hotel and Casino in North Bend, OR. 

pdf Draft Meeting Agenda (186 KB)

Meeting Documents Folder


September 29, 2022

The Ocean Policy Advisory Council met virtually on September 29, 2022.  The agenda for the meeting and meeting materials are available along with a recording of the event.  pdf Click here to view the Draft Meeting Summary.  (193 KB)  

OPAC Meeting Webinar Introductory Slide

The meeting recording is available to watch on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/pqkecphgUJU 

pdf Draft Meeting Agenda (183 KB)

  pdf Draft Meeting Summary (193 KB) , pdf OPAC Marine Reserves Evaluation Report Transmittal & Support Letter, Oct 25, 2022 (359 KB)

Meeting Documents Folder


November 4, 2021

The Ocean Policy Advisory Council met virtually on November 4, 2021 from 9:00am - 3:00pm.  Follow the links below to access the meeting recording, presentations and documents.  

View the Draft Meeting Agenda

View the Draft Meeting Summary

View the Meeting Materials

Watch the Meeting Recording on YouTube 


May 17, 2021

The May 17th 2021 meeting of the Ocean Policy Advisory Council was held via a Zoom webinar, due to concerns associated with the COVID19 global pandemic.  Meeting information is provided below.   

pdf View the Draft Meeting Agenda (176 KB)

pdf View the Meeting Summary (166 KB)

View the Meeting Materials 

OPAC Meeting Video Thumbnail Image

Watch the Meeting Video on YouTube