May 6, 2020

The May 6th meeting of the Ocean Policy Advisory Council was held via a Zoom webinar, due to concerns associated with the COVID19 global pandemic.  

Click Here to view the Draft Meeting Agenda

  pdf Click Here to view the Draft Meeting Summary (191 KB)

Click Here to view the Meeting Materials

Watch the meeting video on YouTube

October 21, 2019

This meeting of the Ocean Policy Advisory Council took place on October 21, 2019.  

pdf OPAC Meeting Agenda Oct 21, 2019 (202 KB)

Draft Meeting Summary

Meeting Materials


Watch the OPAC Meeting Video Here 

December 7, 2018

This meeting of the Ocean Policy Advisory Council took place on December 7, 2018 in Cannon Beach, OR at the Surfsand Resort.  


pdf Click to View the Draft Agenda (162 KB)

  pdf Click to View the Draft Meeting Summary (44 KB)

Meeting Materials

Watch the Meeting Video Here