The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) manages the responsible exploration and development of offshore energy and marine mineral resources on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). BOEM’s mission is to promote energy independence, environmental protection and economic development through responsible management of these resources based on the best available science. As an emerging part of the nation’s all-of-the-above energy portfolio, BOEM’s OCS renewable energy program provides a new source of domestic energy supply with less carbon emissions. BOEM anticipates development of marine renewable energy from three sources: wind, ocean wave, and current energy.
Interest in marine renewable energy development off the Oregon coast prompted Governor Kulongoski to request the establishment of a BOEM Oregon task force to ensure that state and local agencies and tribes are involved in the decision-making process for any lease requests that may be submitted. The Department of Interior approved that request on December 30, 2010, establishing the BOEM Oregon OCS Renewable Energy Task Force.
BOEM maintains an Oregon Activities webpage at This site includes Task Force meeting summaries, as well as news and information for marine renewable energy projects in the OCS off the Oregon coast.
The Environmental Policy Act of 2005 added subsection to the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCS Lands Act) (43 U.S.C. §1337(p)) that requires BOEM to provide for the coordination and consultation with the Governor of any state or the executive of any local government that may be affected by a renewable energy lease, easement or right-of-way on the OCS. The Task Force provides BOEM a means to fulfill this mandate in its consideration of potential renewable energy activities on the OCS offshore Oregon.
The Task Force is chartered by BOEM to provide for coordination and consultation with respect to its consideration of potential renewable energy activities on the OCS offshore Oregon. Pursuant to 30 C.F.R. § 285.102(e), BOEM “may invite any affected State Governor, representative of an ffected Indian tribe, and affected local government executive to join in establishing a task force or other joint planning or coordination agreement in carrying out our responsibilities under this part.” Accordingly, Task Force membership and participation is restricted and is comprised solely of representatives of federal, state, local and tribal governmental bodies and is not chartered under the Federal Advisory Committee Act.
To the extent practicable, the Task Force provides input for the purpose of ensuring the efficient, coordinated review of OCS renewable energy activities and projects, and provides members the opportunity to provide meaningful and timely input into BOEM’s decision-making process. While BOEM will consider all Task Force member input, the Task Force is not a decision-making body. A number of federal, state and local government agencies have independent statutory responsibilities related to the authorization of OCS renewable energy activities and participation in the Task Force does not preclude any of its members from reviewing, commenting or making independent determinations regarding matters and issues addressed by the task force.
BOEM will work with interested agency and tribal partners to:
- ensure the appropriate governments/agencies (federal, state, local and tribal) are offered the opportunity to participate in the Task Force;
- share information about the regulatory authorities and policy objectives of the various agencies/governments and the processes each employs to fulfill its responsibilities, both generally and with respect to specific (or conceptual) activities or projects;
- coordinate approval, permit and review processes for OCS renewable energy projects;
- discuss and identify opportunities to overcome uncertainties in regulatory processes that may pose impediments to effective and efficient review of proposed activities or projects; and
- identify information needs that may benefit from further study and explore various means to obtain the needed information.
Task Force Meeting Agendas and Documents
To view meeting agendas and documents from the BOEM Task Force, visit
State of Oregon:
Lisa Phipps | Program Manager
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Oregon Coastal Management Program
Department of Land Conservation and Development
635 Capitol St. NE | Ste 150 | Salem, Oregon 97301
Andy Lanier | Marine Affairs Coordinator
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Oregon Dept. of Land Conservation and Development
635 Capitol Street NE, Suite 150 | Salem, OR 97301-2540
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management:
Jean Thurston-Keller
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Renewable Energy Specialist & Oregon Task Force Coordinator
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Pacific Region, Camarillo, CA