Meeting Archive & Resources

See below or the calendar at the top right of the page to stay up to date with upcoming OAH Council meeting and events.  Additional meeting resources including presentation slides and recordings, can be found in the OAH Council Documents tab.


OAH Meeting Documents Archive

Click on the buttons below to access files for past meetings. 

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec














OAH Council Agenda   Summary    Recording only    Webinar

Education & Outreach Working Group 


  folder All OAH Council Documents

Introductory OAH Council Documents

These documents are part of the OAH Council Member Informational Packet and will be discussed at the January 25, 2018 Meeting



Based on the February 26th, 2018 OAH Council meeting Co-chairs and staff have identified four initial working groups, primary Council members within each working group, and potential working group topics. Potential topics are only to be considered as suggestions, and working group members can modify and add topics. Council members were then encouraged to volunteer to participate in one or more working groups.

 Working Group Tool Kit


OAH Council Working Group Documents
Use the following links to view past and present working group documents 

  folder WG#1) Advancing Scientific Understanding

  folder WG#2) Reduce causes of OAH

  folder WG#3) Build Adaptation and Resiliency

  folder WG#4) Expand Public Awareness

*All OAH Council documents are also available through the documents module in the right margin of OAH Council pages.


Council Information

The Oregon Coordinating Council on Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia (OAH Council) was convened by Senate Bill 1039 in 2017, which specified the 13 seats and representation of Oregon interests on the Council. Meeting for the first time in 2018, the Oregon Coordinating Council on OAH has been implementing the legislature's vision of this Council, serving as a diverse stakeholder group that provides science-based recommendations to the State about our changing ocean for the past five years. Since its inception, this diverse body has completed three biennial Reports to the Legislature and Oregon's first OAH Action Plan.
The OAH Council members serve on a voluntary appointment that bring together unique experiences and expertise to facilitate collaboration, inclusion, and diversity in the Council’s ongoing work. These members join from state agencies, universities, federal programs, industry representatives, Tribal governments, non-government organizations, and the Governor’s office. During the past two years, the Council welcomed a new Council co-chair and seven new members. The Council’s achievements continue to propel their efforts in building momentum for continued action and support as they continue moving forward under the Council’s guiding Principles: understand, recommend, and implement.


OAH Timeline of events, as projected through 2025


Introductory OAH Council Documents

These documents are part of the OAH Council Member Informational Packet and will be discussed at the January 25, 2018 Meeting


*All OAH Council documents are also available through the documents module in the right margin of all OAH Council pages.