Welcome to our new site!
Oregon Ocean Information v3.0
Originally established in 2008 to support planning for Marine Reserves and Protected Areas, the Oregon Ocean Information website has provided information to support ocean planning needs in the state. From providing public process information - to data collected during resource inventories - this site is designed to provide information in a timely manner to support all of Oregon's ocean planning needs. We hope you enjoy our revised website. Please be patient with us as we continue to migrate content from our former site into this new space.
A Resource for Planning in the Oregon Territorial Sea
Oregon is currently engaged in a variety of ocean planning and management activities that will affect the future of our ocean ecosystem and economy. This website is a guide to these activities and the opportunities to be involved.
Planning for Rocky Habitats in Oregon's Territorial Sea
The Oregon Coastal Management Program is developing site management plans for the eight new rocky habitat protected areas. Click below to learn more about the planning process and get involved.
Stay Informed on Ocean Policy
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Rocky Habitat Management
The Rocky Habitat Management Strategy consists of policies, objectives, and site-specific recommendations supported by science on the natural resources in rocky habitat areas, to provide strong, site-based management and protection of these unique ecosystems.
Miles of Rocky Habitat
Rocky habitats account for approximately 41% of Oregon’s 362-mile coastline and 6% of the state’s subtidal area. They include cliffs, headlands, tidepools, rocky beaches, as well as offshore rocks, islands, and reefs.
Designated Sites
There are three types of site-based designations for rocky habitats in Oregon. Currently, there are:

Offshore Wind Energy
The potential of harnessing renewable energy from the ocean has been of interest to the State of Oregon since 2007 when wave energy was the topic driving planning and consideration of development offshore Oregon. Offshore wind energy is now the topic driving the conversation for development of ocean areas and many parties are interested and concerned about the process that may lead to offshore wind energy operations off the Oregon coast.

Offshore Wind Roadmap
DLCD is leading the development of an Offshore Wind Energy Roadmap for the State of Oregon
More about the Roadmap
More about the Roadmap

Maps and Data
To explore maps and data being used in support of the offshore wind planning process, visit OROWindMap. More about OROWindMap