
Aerial Oblique view of Whale Cove from the northwest

Whale Cove is a Marine Conservation Area

Marine Conservation Areas are sites with the goal of conserving the natural ecosystem by prohibiting the take of some or all invertebrates. The Whale Cove MCA is East of a line drawn across mouth of cove defined by: 44° 47.237'N, 124° 04.298'W and 44° 47.367'N, 124° 04.32'W.


Key Resources

Several small seabird colonies on associated cliffs, bald eagles have been known to nest in the area, relatively undisturbed intertidal and subtidal habitat and some of the only offshore kelp beds north of Cape Arago.

Site Uses

The upland is entirely under private ownership.  Additionally, its status as a habitat refuge means that collection of all fish, shellfish, and marine invertebrates within the cove is prohibited.


The upland is entirely under private ownership and the rocky shoreline is only accessible via private property. Visual access  is available  via Rocky Creek wayside.


Site Management

ODFW manages the site. The upland is entirely under private ownership.  Oregon Parks and Recreation Department manages the ocean shore recreation area.


No take of fish, shellfish, and other inbertebrates below extreme high tide.


  • The upland is entirely under private ownership.