Yachats is a Marine Garden
Marine Gardens are designated to protect rocky habitat resources through public enjoyment, learning opportunities, and by maintaining ecological integrity. No change to fish harvest beyond baseline ODFW regulations. No take of invertebrate or marine plant harvest in the intertidal except for single mussels for recreational bait and scientific research permits*.
The Yachats Marine Garden includes “all rocky areas, tide pools, and sand beaches situated between extreme high tide and extreme low tide lying between the north and south boundaries of Yachats State Park.”
Key Resources
Intertidal habitat and some seabird nesting. Harbor seals use areas near the Yachats River as a haulout.
Site Uses
Use of the area is relatively high and includes mussel harvest, tidepooling, sightseeing, and sport fishing from shore. Due to the designation of this area as a Marine Garden by ODFW, no collection of marine invertebrates is allowed (except single mussels may be taken for bait).
Easy access is afforded from the parking lot at Yachats State Recreation Area (off 2nd in Yachats). The trail ends as it leads down into the rocky shore area and it becomes necessary to climb over rocks. There is a new viewpoint adjacent to the parking area, which affords visual access to the rocky shoreline to the north and south. There is also access to the beach on the other side of the Yachats River at Yachats Ocean Road State Natural Site.
Site Management
The site is managed by Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) as Yachats State Recreation Area, which is part of OPRD Area 3 and the Beachside Management Unit. The beaches and rocky shores of Oregon are part of Oregon’s Ocean Shore Recreation Area, which is managed by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. ODFW manages the site as a Marine Garden. See ODFW marine zone fishing regulations for
No take of shellfish and other invertebrates.
- Submerged and submersible (intertidal) lands: Department of State Lands;
- Beach and part of adjacent uplands: Oregon Parks and Recreation Department as Yachats State Recreation Area.
- The balance of uplands is adjacent to City of Yachats streets or in private ownership.